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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and when a fruit is packed with so many nutrients, it’s not hard to see why. Choice among them is rutin, a bioflavanoid with strong antioxidant properties.

apple health benefits
Apples is a "miracle fruit". Apples are extremely rich in important flavanoids, antioxidants and dietary fiber.
Apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Nutritional information:

Apples contain almost no fat,  cholesterol or sodium .It's also called "nutritional powerhouses". They contain the following important nutrients:
  • Vitamin C - a powerful natural antioxidant, it's promote a healthy immune system. boosting the body's resistance against infectious agents
  • B-complex vitamins (B1, B2 and vitamin B-6) - these vitamins are maintaining red blood cells and the nervous system.
  • Dietary fiber - Normalize transit time of transport of food through the digestive track. decrease serum cholesterol. 
  • Phytonutrients -  These phytonutrients protect the body from free radicals.
  • Minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
Apples Nutritional value per 100 grams

Health benefits of apples

As per given above information it’s prove that Apple one of the best food & as the best food people should add to their diet

Apples can potentially:

Prevent dementia
An apple a day could help protect against brain-cell damage & reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Improve neurological health
Apples improve neurological function. It contains an antioxidant which reduces cellular death caused by oxidation and inflammation of neurons.

Control level of bad cholesterol
Apple pectin lowers cholesterol level by significantly raising the level of HDL. Pectin as a soluble fiber, also worked by binding cholesterol to bile acids & carrying theme out the body.

Reduce risk of stroke
It may reduce risk for stroke & cardiovascular disease.

Reduce the risk of diabetes
Apples could also help reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Ward off breast cancer

Eating apple regularly may reduce the risk of breast cancer. so, we can also say an apply a day keeps cancer away :)


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